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E-Commerce Channel Management in the Automotive Aftermarket

The E-Commerce has become an important channel within the sales of car parts. End consumers and B2B customers are using webshops and marketplaces to source car parts. 

Are you having the full picture of online sales? Do you know where your brand is offered and by whom to what prices?
We are giving assistance in getting control and growth in your online sales channel. 


We have seven different services to offer. From brand, product or reseller monitoring up to a dedicated expertise center where we are your partner to grow your online sales and build the online brand positioning.

Online Channel Management for the Automotive Aftermarket

E-Commerce channel monitoring and steering. 

Car Parts Online sales

The E-Commerce channel has become an important channel within the entire aftermarket.
Some of the pure online players have reached a enormous size by turnover. The shops are offering from budget to premium parts with huge discounts on the retail price. Successful online players are sourcing their parts from all over the world.
It does not matter if the E-Commerce channel belongs to your strategic channel - your parts are there.

Besides the onlineshops, market places like eBay and Amazon will take big shares on their platforms. Furthermore, price comparison websites are listing car parts as well.

On all the different places in the online world your parts can be listed in a different way. It can be to your advantage but also to your disadvantage.

Are you observing the online channel actively? Do you know where your parts are sold? Do you know who is selling your parts and how is the cometition doing?

Wolk after sales experts wants to help you to get more control on the E-Commerce sales channel.

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E-Commerce Channel Management


E-Commerce Channel Management



Market Players
1. Who is who in the online aftermarket?
2. Who offers which products and brands at which platforms?
3. Which regions are covered?
4. Which business models do they follow?

Pricing research
1. Average, Max, Min prices of your products on several shops and/or market places
2. Competitors pricing

Product Information
1. Are important product information missing?
2. Where are competitors products listed where yours is missing?

Search Engine visibility
1. How often people search for your brand?
2. How often people search for your competitors brand?
3. Which keywords are relevant?

With the information and data we can provide, you are able to gain an in dept overview of the European Ecommerce Automotive Aftermarket

Online Channel Management 1


E-Commerce channel strategy

Market information is the basis for any strategic action. Yet, in spite of all the information provided, it is not always easy to choose the right course of action. Starting with an internal and external ecommerce scan, we help you by defining your online strategy


Coaching / Training 

After your strategy has been defined, implementation starts. Via our coaching services, we support your existing sales team and keep you on track.

E-Commerce Expertise Center
Are your employees are busy with their every day work-load and have barely time to keep an eye on the online channel?
We can be your E-Commerce Expertise Center and will assist you fully in keeping the online channel controled on the long term.
Get in touch with to know more about it.


E-Commerce Channel observation

Market Players
1. Who is who in the online aftermarket?
2. Who offers which products and brands at which platforms?
3. Which regions are covered?
4. Which business models do they follow?

Pricing research
1. Average, Max, Min prices of your products on several shops and/or market places
2. Competitors pricing

Product Information
1. Are important product information missing?
2. Where are competitors products listed where yours is missing?

Search Engine visibility
1. How often people search for your brand?
2. How often people search for your competitors brand?
3. Which keywords are relevant?

With the information and data we can provide, you are able to gain an in dept overview of the European Ecommerce Automotive Aftermarket


E-Commerce channel strategy 

Market information is the basis for any strategic action. Yet, in spite of all the information provided, it is not always easy to choose the right course of action. Starting with an internal and external ecommerce scan, we help you by defining your online strategy


E-Commerce Expertise Center

After your strategy has been defined, implementation starts. Via our coaching services, we support your existing sales team and keep you on track.

Are your employees are busy with their every day work-load and have barely time to keep an eye on the online channel?
We can be your E-Commerce Expertise Center and will assist you fully in keeping the online channel controled on the long term.
Get in touch with to know more about it.

E-Commerce Channel Management

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